Synthetic or Natural?
In one of my previous posts about synthetic hormones i shared reasons as to why synthetic hormones such as Synthroid and Levothyroxine really don't seem to help many thyroid issues. Being that the thyroid is much more complex then we realize containing T4, T3, T2,T1 and the synthetic hormones that many doctors prescribe are mainly T4 hormone. This is the reason that many people don't find relief from their frustrating thyroid symptoms. I recommend that you read my previous post "Why Aren't My Thyroid Meds Working?".
I decided to explore another route for my own personal treatment. My doctors answer to my thyroid issue was to continue to up the dosage of my Synthroid medication but i just wasn't feeling the relief i needed. Now what i did next i do not recommend. I recommend that when it comes to any medication changing or changing in treatments you decide to do, always consult your physician or naturopath first. I was so desperate to feel better and i had just found out that my thyroid meds were blocking an enzyme that i desperately needed for histamine breakdown so i stopped my medication.
Of course after stopping my meds it didn't take long before my thyroid started feeling even worse. I think i really confused my body by doing this. I knew that i didn't want to get back on the synthetic hormones so i started doing my research.
I came across several and i mean several blogs, studies and personal experiences of people sharing their experiences with Natural Thyroid Hormone. Of course i was a little skeptical but i thought from what i was reading it merited more looking into. In most of the information that i was reading the people who had decided to take this route were pretty happy with their choice and didn't want to go back to synthetics either.
In my research i found that the natural thyroid hormone not only contained the T4 but also the other T's that the thyroid needed to function and complete it's oh so important job. That was a plus already. I began to look into natural dessicated thyoid hormones. I found a few different ones that required a prescription. One of them being Armour. The thing i noticed is that many people had good results with Armour but then the FDA made them change the formula and now many aren't feeling the same relief as they were feeling before.
So I continued to look into hormones that didn't require a prescription and finally ran across a company called that sells not only natural dessicated thyroid hormone but also adrenal support which is critical to helping thyroid issues. Their prices are also very reasonable.
I have been on them less than a month and already feel a huge difference. I'm looking forward to even more improvement. I encourage you to check out natural dessicated thyroid hormones. I am currently taking their bovine but they also offer porcine. They do not have any crazy fillers either so you don't have to worry about all the other allergy concerns as with the synthetic hormones.
Now I also ran across a lot of information that showed how important it is to add specific vitamins and minerals to your thyroid hormone treatment to ensure that the hormone is able to complete its job. Many people believe that the natural dessicated thyroid hormone isn't working for them after they don't feel the desired results and decide to go back to synthetics. What they fail to realize is that we need to supplement ourselves with other things that are missing from our diets, either from the way we eat, our bad soil or as in my case my celiac disease that inhibits my absorbtion of nutrients.
Oh and to answer my question at the beginning, Synthetic or Natural? For me it's Natural all the way!
In my next post i will talk about what nutrients, vitamins and supplements are also vital for our thyroid to function. Stay posted!
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